
“Building Bridges -  e. V. “ GERMANS – ISRAELIS – PALESTINIANS – POLISH                     Understanding by Meeting A peace educational project involving Poalnd, Germany, Israel and Palestine. Since 1999 the Building Bridges project achieve years of intensive activity. During that time delegations of students, educators and parents from Israel , the West Bank and Germany have visited one other. In our last meeting, which took place last February in Germany , we decided to found a triangular association. Our aim is to expand our work and get the support we need to reach our targets which are as follows: 1. Regular meetings in order to learn about each other’s culture, history, religion and way of life. 2. Special attention to a democratic way of treating each other. 3. Main focus on German, Jewish and Arab history in order to learn about our tracks from history. 4. Cautious treatment of history: talking to Holocaust survivors as well as the succeeding